How to play a league game?
The number of games is still very low and I guess it is because of the procedure of initiating games is not very well known yet. Though I decided to write an article describing how you can challenge other players step by step. How to challenge other league players correctly? You write a E-Mail to your prefered opponent (you find the email adress in the league pages) AND to You just have to ask for a league match and for the day of the match. Your opponent should answer again to your email adress and to This is the proof of an accepted challenge and makes fraud impossible. Next you will coordinate with your opponent and meet ingame to play the match. The settings have to accepted by both players, or you will have to play the standard settings. If the game crashed directly after the start, you need to rematch. The game will tell you who is the winner (points, time) or if one leaves the game, the opponent will be the winner. If you are...